This is our fifth (!) annual post on travel and outdoor gear made by small businesses. As always, these products are unique, sustainable, and high-quality, and shopping them supports entrepreneurs, instead of corporations.
Shop Small, Go Far: Cool Travel Gifts from Small Businesses
In honor of Small Business Saturday, it’s time for our annual post featuring travel and outdoor gear from small businesses. Shopping small means getting unique and high quality products you won’t find elsewhere, plus it supports entrepreneurship and innovation. Win-win!
Our Favorite Travel and Outdoor Gear for Small Business Saturday
Supporting small businesses is part of being a responsible traveler, and we believe it starts at home. Lots of small companies are making unique travel and outdoor gear, and in honor of Small Business Saturday, these are some of our favorite products.
Touring the Local Businesses of Vermont
The commitment to sustainability and local production runs deep in Vermont, especially at the state’s small businesses. Witness it for yourself by visiting the Ben & Jerry’s Factory, the Cabot Creamery, or one of the many other Vermont businesses that make themselves open to the public.
Support Small Businesses with These 8 Travel Products
Need a gift for the traveler or nature lover in your life (or just a treat for yourself)? Try one of these awesome products, and make an impact by supporting a small business.
8 Cool Travel & Outdoor Products from Small Companies
Why buy your gear at big chain stores when you can support small businesses – and get even cooler stuff? Check out our recommended travel & outdoor products and discover some great local companies.