In honor of Small Business Saturday, it’s time for our annual post featuring travel and outdoor gear from small businesses. Shopping small means getting unique and high quality products you won’t find elsewhere, plus it supports entrepreneurship and innovation. Win-win!
Lights, Camera, Festival: The Luang Prabang Film Festival in Laos
Thanks to some lucky timing, we got to attend the 2017 Luang Prabang Film Festival in Laos. This annual festival celebrates Southeast Asian cinema, supports local filmmakers, and gives Lao people a rare chance to go to the movies.
Our Travel Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for the Travelers in Your Life
This holiday season, give the travelers in your life something they’ll really love. From beautiful home decor to super practical gear, these are our top gift ideas for people who travel.
How Housesitting Is Helping Us See the World
Free accommodations in a nice house and cool pets to play with while you travel? Yes, please! Housesitting has been a big part of our journey in Southeast Asia, and become much more than a way to save money.
Exploring Louisiana from Baton Rouge to Bayou Country
As much fun as New Orleans is, there’s more to see in Louisiana. Our road trip took us to the highlights of Baton Rouge and then to Houma and the bayou, a place where land becomes water.
Exploring the 3 Incredible National Parks in Montana & Wyoming
Montana and Wyoming are home to three of the most popular national parks in the U.S. – and we were pretty lucky to grow up near them. Whether you want to visit Glacier, Yellowstone, or Grand Teton (or all three!), here’s how to make the most of your trip.
How to Eat Healthier and Save Money While Traveling
When you’re traveling, eating out for every meal can seem inevitable – but it gets rough on both your wallet and your health. Here are all our best ideas for cheap and healthy travel foods, including grab-and-go snacks, super easy recipes, and things to bring with you.
Travel Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep
Make 2017 the year you stick to your New Year’s resolutions! Instead of setting lofty, impossible goals, try one of these totally feasible travel resolutions that will actually be fun to keep.
The Top 6 New Travel Blogs + an Award for Us!
We’re honored to accept a Liebster Award for Passions and Places! Read on to learn a bit more about us and discover some more great new travel blogs.